From Advertising Age:

--Starbucks is going to BBDO, except for those little details like confirmations.
--The number of people watching Sarah Palin's "SNL" appearance online is about to surpass the number that watched it on TV.
--Obama ahead in Busken Cookie Poll.
--Time Inc.'s Southern Progress unit lays off 30.
--3 Minute Ad Age: "The Most Dangerous Ideas About Public Relations." I was too scared to watch.
From Adweek:
--Social media no longer edgy, per Forrester.
--MPG says Obama has won the election. Or its new social media tool, Resonance, does.
--Harrah's picks Zenith.
From Brandweek:
--More people talking about Coke than any other brand.
From Mediapost:
--Who knew chips and presidential elections had so much in common?
--Film at 11! predicts car sales will drop by 28.9 percent this month!
--Despite general economic crappiness, we still may be buying gadgets this Christmas.
--Liberal Democrats love their Internets.
--The relatively good news about newspapers: newspaper Web site users represent 41.4 percent of Internet users.
--Twitter is fastest growing social media site, with 2.4 million users. Better go tweet that.
--The Onion News Network goes global. I wonder if its humor, will, well, translate.
From Mediaweek:
--World Series viewership down 12 percent. Maybe they should just put all the baseball teams in big markets. How's that for an idea?
--The first phase of the Media Ratings Council's audit of Nielsen Online is complete. At this rate, the next one will be done by 2015.
--E! re-ups "Chelsea Lately."
--Marc Berman's Programming Insider: Baseball viewership may be down, but still leads. No one cares about the CW's "Stylista," in which contestants compete for an editorial assistant's job at Elle, surely the worst prize in reality show history.
From The New York Post:
--Since all's not OK, at OK!, there's a whole new gang in charge.
--Will the economy put some cold water on "High School Musical III"?
From The New York Times:
--The "B" word, bargain, is back.
--Speaking of bargains, the Associated Press' fees are getting cheaper.
From The Wall Street Journal:
--Advertisers are rethinking promotions, to focus on—you'll never guess—value. Subscription required, but I think you kinda know what it says.
--Not everyone was into that road that played "The William Tell Overture" for Honda. Free. A clip of the musical road is below, if you've never heard it.
--Gannett publishing revenue down 18 percent. Subscription required, but probably too depressing to read in its entirety.
That's finally it. Have a good weekend if I don't post again this afternoon.