The below was originally a comment to my post on an alternative viewpoint about the 4As, but it was worth pulling out as its own post, even for those of us—like me—who don't understand it all. The parts I do understand don't necessarily represent the viewpoint of Adverganza, but we're an equal opportunity blog. From the mind of Tom Messner:
Me? I’d rather talk to The Taliban in Kandahar, Afghanistan on why the Danish cartoons of the Prophet Mohammed were excellent likenesses of the old coot than present to the Four A’s Oratory Critique Committee that meets annually to throw metaphorical tomatoes at whoever is fool enough to step on their stage.
I know a guy who spoke last year down in Naples, Florida. Nice fellow, but naïve. Woefully naïve.
How naïve is woefully naive? Well, the fool took the assigned topic (Return on Investment) and proposed an investment that anyone in attendance (advertiser, agency, media) could turn a neat profit on for years to come.
He didn’t realize how “rudimentary, self-serving, stating the obvious, predictable” (Sawyer, NY Times, 4/28/08)it was to suggest that the ad business could elevate itself by bringing in, training, using the men and women who have served in the Armed Forces in Iraq and Afghanistan.
He allowed himself to be introduced by a buffoon who graciously invited him to the podium with these flattering syllables: “Our next fellow claims to have invested $2.50 in his agency and turned it into one that went on to have more than one billion dollars in media billing.” The speaker, I know for a fact, also claimed to have been invited and, if pressed, would have claimed to be a U.S. citizen.
For this, he put an presentation together, including a video interview with two Iraq War Veterans who now work at ad agencies, and paid for his and his wife’s transportation. (Although, she claimed to have used frequent flyer miles and her claims I, for one, would not dare think of challenging.)
One attendee was so long truant from the conferences and, at the same time, critical of last year’s speeches (“I hadn’t been in five or six years and I swear to you, one of those speeches was the exact same speech from my last conference.”) that they made her President of the 4 A’s at a salary more than twice the salary of the President of the United States. In a real campaign for President, these days, some enterprising reporter would go back over the last five years to see if, indeed, one of the speeches was the same. Sniper fire all over again.
Truth is the Four A’s only has value in:
a) Lobbying in Washington DC or in states where there is pending legislation destructive to the ad business, and endeavoring to publicize the value advertising brings to consumers and producers
b) Group life and health insurance for member agencies that might benefit from the added weight
c) Coordinating public service advertising
d) Working to achieve a more diverse industry, an industry that might even see an added diversity in war veterans
e) Participating in negotiations with unions that impact the ad business
f) Social
On this last point, tennis and golf are now banned from the conferences, along with other attempts at civility such as dinner and dancing.
The Times headline writer Monday wrote “The Four A’s Tries to Rebuild Momentum.” My guess is that the organization should scuttle the conference altogether as it appears--through its spokespeople-- to have adopted an American Idol “OK Enlighten Me” attitude to those brave enough to step to the podium. Whom will Ms. Sawyer find wanting this time?
Or create Momentum by having the next conference in a place where no millisecond of pleasure is likely to seep through on this Puritan renewal known as the Leadership Conference. Kandahar, of course. Where else?
Friday, May 2, 2008
Mark Kingdon's blog-friendly goodbye

Thursday, May 1, 2008
Rance Crain's star turn in 'Newsweek'

Ad Age,
Crain Communications,
Rance Crain
An alternative view of the 4As conference

More coverage of the 4As Leadership Conference

—Yahoo and Microsoft tell the assembled multitudes that they're not the agency world's frenemies.
—Lee Clow, sporting "adidas" t-shirt pronounces, "Yes, television can work. Just shitty television doesn't work."
—Google CEO Eric Schmidt on the problems with YouTube.
—Stuart Elliott's wrap-up, including the appearance of non 4As member Jeff Goodby to remember Hal Riney, and lots and lots of naughty words, said from the podium no less! Truly a new day has dawned.
By the way, unless I'm missing something, The Wall Street Journal didn't send anyone.
Wednesday, April 30, 2008
Social Media Insider interviews Comcast's Twitter guy

Post that's almost like being in Laguna Niguel!
Nope. No one paid the freight to get Adverganza to Laguna Niguel for the renamed 4As Leadership Conference. Rather than wallow in self-pity, as new 4As chairman Tom Carroll has also asked those lucky enough to be in southern California for the conference to refrain from, I plan to be useful, by posting links to stories from those who are actually there.
—Here's Stuart Elliott's write-up from The New York Times.
—The Ad Age story by from Rupal Parekh.
—Andrew McMains' story from Adweek.
Having read this post, can't you feel the cool ocean breeze gently stroking your face?
—Here's Stuart Elliott's write-up from The New York Times.
—The Ad Age story by from Rupal Parekh.
—Andrew McMains' story from Adweek.
Having read this post, can't you feel the cool ocean breeze gently stroking your face?
More toe ads for Doritos
What is it with do-it-yourself Doritos ads featuring toes? Here's a second one. Yecch.
Monday, April 28, 2008
Madonna stops by the AT&T Blue Room
For awhile now I've been subscribing to the ShareATT channel on YouTube, which, as advertiser content plays go, is pretty random. They might be showing a commercial, or some video about how AT&T is sponsoring Wi-Fi at Starbucks, or a series of interviews from the AT&T Blue Room featuring Panic at the Disco, Mariah Carey, or Madonna (above). While the videos are also available at this site, it's surprising how little play they get on YouTube. It's not as though the interviews are that fabulous, but as one example, a Mariah Carey video put up a week ago has less than 400 views. I'm not sitting on pins and needles waiting to hear about her creative inspiration, but I was under the impression a few other people were.
Mariah Carey,
For those really into Grand Theft Auto IV
If this is a big day for you because of the release of Grand Theft Auto IV (it's a day like any other at Adverganza Estates), you may want to spend the next minute and a half watching this time-lapse video of the billboard for the game being painted over the course of a few days at the corner of Canal and Greene Street.
Grand Theft Auto IV,
outdoor ads
Jeff Dachis re-emerges as Mr. Web 2.0

Austin Ventures,
Jeff Dachis,
Web 2.0
Adverganza's Monday morning picks, 04.28.08
Wherein I scan the Monday morning headlines so you don't have to:
From Advertising Age:
—First in what promises to be a really depressing series: the newspaper death watch. Time to re-up that Zoloft prescription.
—In this economy, there's no business like the Internet business.
—Volume discounts from Google? Dream on.
—Digital agency execs put the "ex" in exit.
—Starbucks a little less entertaining than it used to be. Decides to actually focus on coffee.
—Saturn hopes its owners orbit around a new social networking site, imSaturn.
—Bob Garfield not feeling the love in this Heineken Premium Light spot from Wieden + Kennedy. If you don't overthink it, it's kinda fun.
—Interview with Richard Schaps, CEO of Van Wagner. Nice hair.
From Adweek:
—The annual report card issue of both creative and media agencies. Since it doesn't look like you can get all of the grades without clicking on every agency, I'll do it for you. First, the grades for creative agencies:
Arnold: B
Bartle Bogle Hegarty: B+
Campbell-Ewald: C-
Campbell Mithun: D
Carmichael Lynch: C
Cramer-Krasselt: B
Crispin Porter + Bogusky: B+
Deutsch: B
Doner: D
DraftFCB: C
Euro RSCG: B
Fallon: C-
Goodby, Silverstein + Partners: A-
Grey: C+
GSD&M Idea City: D+
Hill, Holliday, Connors, Cosmopulos: B+
The Kaplan Thaler Group: B
Leo Burnett: C-
Lowe: D+
The Martin Agency: B+
McCann Erickson: B+
Merkley + Partners: B-
Mullen: B-
Ogilvy & Mather: C+
Publicis & Hal Riney: C+
Publicis USA: A-
The Richards Group: C
Saatchi & Saatchi: A-
TBWA\Chiat\Day: B-
Wieden + Kennedy: B
Young & Rubicam: C+
Zimmerman: B-
Here are the media agency grades:
Carat: B-
Horizon: B
Initiative: A-
Mediacom: B+
Mediaedge CIA: A-
Mediavest: A-
Mindshare: B-
Optimedia: B+
Starcom: B
Universal McCann: B
Zenith Media: A-
—Those media agency CEOs just can't sit still.
—Magazine publishers look up their sleeves in search of new tricks.
—Leslie Winthrop and Lisa Colantuono tell agencies how they should pitch business.
From Brandweek:
—How high gas prices affect branding efforts.
— readies a big promotional push around its ability to help consumers find new cars.
—Marketers are loving teensy, weensy, targeted social networks.
—Marketers can't wait to add apps to the iPhone.
—Wal-Mart and Hearst join together in custom-publishing deal. Hey, didn't Hearst already do that with Sears?
From Mediapost:
—AT&T courts music lovers online.
—John Burbank becomes CMO of Nielsen. Is that the same John Burbank that I went to elementary school with? Probably not.
—The FTC looks to define what green is.
—New campaign says that to buy a Subaru is to love a Subaru.
—Heinz has picked a winner in its second CGM contest.
—KSL launches an online barter system.
—Did you know that Microsoft's Yahoo deadline has passed?
From The New York Times:
—This ju
st in: Mars to acquire Wrigley for $23 billion.
—Clinton, Obama and McCain court the WWE. Check out this photo of "Hillary" beating on "Barack."
—Rewards for taking pictures of ads. It's not exactly high art.
—The new and improved 4As leadership conference.
From The Wall Street Journal:
—Email from Bill Wrigley to the company about the Mars merger. Love the completely non-descriptive subject header: "Important Announcement Regarding Our Future." Subscription required.
—Cable companies run nasty ads. Subscription required.
—Microsoft CEO Steve Ballmer either has to back off Yahoo or pursue a hostile takeover. Free.
—Trying to set the world record for Diet Coke/Mentos geysers. Free.
From Advertising Age:

—First in what promises to be a really depressing series: the newspaper death watch. Time to re-up that Zoloft prescription.
—In this economy, there's no business like the Internet business.
—Volume discounts from Google? Dream on.
—Digital agency execs put the "ex" in exit.
—Starbucks a little less entertaining than it used to be. Decides to actually focus on coffee.
—Saturn hopes its owners orbit around a new social networking site, imSaturn.
—Bob Garfield not feeling the love in this Heineken Premium Light spot from Wieden + Kennedy. If you don't overthink it, it's kinda fun.
—Interview with Richard Schaps, CEO of Van Wagner. Nice hair.
From Adweek:
—The annual report card issue of both creative and media agencies. Since it doesn't look like you can get all of the grades without clicking on every agency, I'll do it for you. First, the grades for creative agencies:
Arnold: B
Bartle Bogle Hegarty: B+
Campbell-Ewald: C-
Campbell Mithun: D
Carmichael Lynch: C
Cramer-Krasselt: B
Crispin Porter + Bogusky: B+
Deutsch: B
Doner: D
DraftFCB: C
Euro RSCG: B
Fallon: C-
Goodby, Silverstein + Partners: A-
Grey: C+
GSD&M Idea City: D+
Hill, Holliday, Connors, Cosmopulos: B+
The Kaplan Thaler Group: B
Leo Burnett: C-
Lowe: D+
The Martin Agency: B+
McCann Erickson: B+
Merkley + Partners: B-
Mullen: B-
Ogilvy & Mather: C+
Publicis & Hal Riney: C+
Publicis USA: A-
The Richards Group: C
Saatchi & Saatchi: A-
TBWA\Chiat\Day: B-
Wieden + Kennedy: B
Young & Rubicam: C+
Zimmerman: B-
Here are the media agency grades:
Carat: B-
Horizon: B
Initiative: A-
Mediacom: B+
Mediaedge CIA: A-
Mediavest: A-
Mindshare: B-
Optimedia: B+
Starcom: B
Universal McCann: B
Zenith Media: A-
—Those media agency CEOs just can't sit still.
—Magazine publishers look up their sleeves in search of new tricks.
—Leslie Winthrop and Lisa Colantuono tell agencies how they should pitch business.
From Brandweek:
—How high gas prices affect branding efforts.
— readies a big promotional push around its ability to help consumers find new cars.
—Marketers are loving teensy, weensy, targeted social networks.
—Marketers can't wait to add apps to the iPhone.
—Wal-Mart and Hearst join together in custom-publishing deal. Hey, didn't Hearst already do that with Sears?
From Mediapost:
—AT&T courts music lovers online.
—John Burbank becomes CMO of Nielsen. Is that the same John Burbank that I went to elementary school with? Probably not.
—The FTC looks to define what green is.
—New campaign says that to buy a Subaru is to love a Subaru.
—Heinz has picked a winner in its second CGM contest.
—KSL launches an online barter system.
—Did you know that Microsoft's Yahoo deadline has passed?
From The New York Times:
—This ju

—Clinton, Obama and McCain court the WWE. Check out this photo of "Hillary" beating on "Barack."
—Rewards for taking pictures of ads. It's not exactly high art.
—The new and improved 4As leadership conference.
From The Wall Street Journal:
—Email from Bill Wrigley to the company about the Mars merger. Love the completely non-descriptive subject header: "Important Announcement Regarding Our Future." Subscription required.
—Cable companies run nasty ads. Subscription required.
—Microsoft CEO Steve Ballmer either has to back off Yahoo or pursue a hostile takeover. Free.
—Trying to set the world record for Diet Coke/Mentos geysers. Free.
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