Friday, July 27, 2007
Digital inmates to run asylum at Carat?

Donny Deutsch, TV legend?

Sphere plus San Francisco equals Emmy nominee?

Shoot posted interviews this morning with the creatives on the seven commercials that have been nominated for Emmys this year, apparently more than have ever been nominated since the commercial category was invented. Must admit I hadn't seen all the spots, but certainly worth the time if you're looking for a little inspiration, or just to waste some time under the guise of work. Strangely, two of them—Pepsi's "Pinball" and Travelers' "Snowball"—feature the steep streets of San Francisco and spherical objects, just as Sony Bravia's "Balls" did, which, like the Travelers spot, was created by Fallon. Frames from all three are above, and I ask you is this coincidence, conspiracy, or copying? Without even more ado, here are links to the seven spots:
1) American Express "Animals." Ogilvy & Mather.
2) American Legacy Foundation "Singing Cowboy." Arnold.
3) Cingular "Battle." BBDO.
4) Coca-Cola "Happiness Factory." Wieden + Kennedy.
5) General Electric "Jar." BBDO.
6) Pepsi "Pinball." BBDO.
7) Travelers "Snowball." Fallon.
Dove's campaign for real hair
Not sure that women have quite as many self-esteem issues surrounding their hair as they do their bodies, but Dove is extending the premise of its "Campaign for Real Beauty" to haircare with a new CGM campaign called "Dove Love Your Hair" which asks women to submit their own print ad. Not a bad idea, but nothing can really beat the impact of the big-boned gals that made up some of the early "Campaign for Real Beauty" advertising. The short film promoting the contest, above, is somewhat reminiscent of "Evolution" the Cannes-winning viral video. Via Mediapost.
Tom Anderson turns into a Simpson

Thursday, July 26, 2007
'Cavemen' first pilot headed for extinction
So, you may have read that the producers of the already-questionable ABC sitcom, "Cavemen" are reshooting the pilot, which the network acknowledged yesterday. The problem, allegedly, is that while it's one thing for a caveman in a Geico commercial to bemoan his second-class status in the modern world, it's another thing to turn a sitcom about cavemen into "an ambitious allegory about race." Ya think? While spending way too many of my highly-evolved brain cells thinking about this, I actually tried and succeeded in finding a snippet of the old pilot on YouTube, which is posted above. Maybe you've seen it, as somehow I feel like all 6,000 people who've already viewed it are associated with the ad industry, and/or The Martin Agency. But if you haven't seen it, take a look. It's not as though this particular 38 seconds is that bad, it's just that it seems, in this brief moment alone, to work in every joke that might be told about how to work the term "Cro-Magnon" into contemporary culture, such as, "I like big Mags and I cannot lie." Argh.
Why Wieden, Goodby haven't joined the 4As

Wendy's protest looks like viral marketing
You've probably seen the above video protesting the Wendy's logo by now, but just thought I'd add something to the discussion. It's really the work of Improv Everywhere, which has created an organization called the National Association for the Advancement of Redheaded People, to protest the depiction of redheaded people in the Wendy's logo and commercials. It's a joke. But, except for the fact that the corporate powers-that-be would probably never approve of chants like "Biggie Size Bigotry," there's nothing to separate this from a viral marketing stunt. It's got all the hallmarks: a fake protest, a (in this case) successful stab at humor, solid viral distribution and even a tie-in to Wendy's current campaign. I bet Saatchi and Wendy's are loving every minute.
Yahoo ad sales defections continue

Wednesday, July 25, 2007
Ewwww ... it's the meth campaign

Crispin loses; Orville put back in grave
It's hard not to see the cause-and-effect on this news posted late today on the Ad Age Web site: that ConAgra has just left Crispin, Porter + Bogusky. Don't get it yet? One of the two brands the agency handled was Orville Redenbacher popcorn, for which Crispin infamously resurrected Orville himself, in the creepiest commercial so far this year, above. (The shop also lost ConAgra's Slim Jim account.) But this isn't a case of a big CPG company trying out an alterna-agency and then running back to the boring big shops. According to the Ad Age story, the agency decided not to defend in a pitch that also included Nitro, DDB's San Francisco office, and Butler, Shine, Stern and Partners and Venables, Bell and Partners. Venables won the business.
Lindsay Lohan missing from movie poster

McDonald's finds commercial ideas on YouTube
So Arnold is the agency behind this Chicken McNuggets spot that's been airing in the New York area for the last few weeks, one of two McDonald's spots, according to this story in The Boston Globe, that incorporates films about McDonald's that have been posted on YouTube over the last year or so. (It's kind of odd that they feel the need to put in a subtitle that says, "Actual User Generated Content." Now if I could just get clear on the contents of a McNugget.) The clip that this is originally from, which has so far gotten more than 150,000 views, is located here. I couldn't find the other spot, which was produced by Karsh/Hagan, though here is the clip that inspired it, wherein a group of guys goes to the drive-thru and sings their order, and, most amazingly, the drive-thru employee who has to listen to them ramble on for two minutes actually doesn't get mad. You know that this had to have taken place nowhere near New York. (The commercial itself is airing only in the Midwest.)
Mediapost has complete coverage of BK/Simpsons
I was going to write up a post about Crispin's Burger King work for The Simpsons Movie, but since Mediapost has already done it in its "Out to Launch" newsletter, I'll skip it, save for running the rockin' alien spot above.
H-P looks to control parents' minds
Hewlett-Packard is launching a campaign it's calling "viral" (though the proof, of course, is in the pudding), to, um, help teens convince their parents to buy them HPs for school. Under the heading, "The Society for Parental Mind-Control," it includes the opporunity to send "ESP emails" to parents suggesting potential laptop purchases for their kids and so forth. There are the obligatory "viral" films, and although the one above isn't included at the campaign site controltheminds.com, it appears to be part of the campaign. No mention in the release of Goodby, Silverstein—just a quote from Brendan Malloy of Black Dog Films, which shot the films. UPDATE: The campaign is the work of McCann-Erickson, San Francisco, which also does some work for HP.
Smirnoff Ice ad features Big Tan Dog
This :15 for Smirnoff Ice was just posted by brentter the other day on YouTube. I think it was created for twentysomethings who were big fans of Clifford, the Big Red Dog, when they were kids. Created (according to brentter) by JWT.
Tuesday, July 24, 2007
'Business 2.0' gets even more friends

1500 members @ 9:50am edt, July 23rd
1200 members @ 10:34am edt, July 21st
1100 members @ 9:45pm edt, July 20th
1000 members @ 4:45pm edt, July 20th
900 members @ 1:45pm edt, July 20th
800 members @ 6:30am edt, July 20th
700 members @ 9:13pm edt, July 19th
600 members @ 3:50pm edt, July 19th
Not bad. But, while it seems to be completely made up of graduates of Ivy League schools, or Stanford or MIT (exaggeration watch!), my guess is the group will have to get into the healthy five figures to have any real impact. Good luck all.
Pay attention to AOL and Tacoda

Yes, an iPhone will blend
OK, I promise that Adverganza will never become a clearinghouse for "Will It Blend?" videos, but this one, no. 4 on Nielsen BuzzMetrics most linked-to videos for yesterday is worthy. An iPhone and the Blendtec blender, a match made in heaven. BTW, so far that second Ray-Ban video hasn't set the world on fire, but maybe now that they finally decided to tag it "Ray-Ban" a few days ago, it has a fighting chance.
Monday, July 23, 2007
All You Need Is Not to Sell Diapers with This Song
Funny how the use of "All You Need Is Love" in a Luvs commercial has proven so controversial, when, a few months back, Target's use of another Beatles' tune, "Hello, Goodbye," (changed to goodbuy ... sacrilege!), seemed to pass without much note, except, maybe for my rant about it. Yes, if you haven't read about it already, Procter and Gamble did change the lyrics to "All You Need Is Luvs," and so far, it seems to be standing by its commercial, with a spokesperson noting that it tested well with parents. OK, here's a thought: that, if you're testing for consumer outrage over use of a Beatles' song, the target market should not be people in their twenties and thirties. Yes, thankfully, the Beatles have fans that age, but for most people of that age group the band's songs still can't have the same resonance as it does for people who were there when they were released. Curious to see if Procter pulls the ad. As far as this particular song, not only was it pretty much an anthem of the sixties, it's recording was a landmark event, which, for the fun of it, I've posted above. I was pretty young at the time, but I remember it as the first global broadcast, featuring not only the Beatles, but Mick Jagger, who sits on the floor singing the chorus.
Intel vids directed by Christopher Guest
OK, here are the two videos directed by Christopher Guest for Intel that I mentioned earlier. The better of the two is above. For the other one, click here. If Mark Wahlberg hadn't played that wannabe rock star in Rock Star, the lead singer of the metal band (it represents hardware) in these videos, could've played the wannabe rock star. Or something like that.
Wendy's red wig in vogue
Links to 'USA Today''s most remembered ads
As part of its series of "25" lists, commemorating the 25th anniversary of the paper, USA Today has published its list of the most remembered commercials of the last 25 years. Note that the operative adjective here is "memorable." How else would Mrs. Fletcher come in at No. 1? Couldn't resist posting the clip, above, along with links to as many of the commercials as I could find below, which, strangely, did not include the Michael Jackson Pepsi commercial where his hair got set on fire. You mean, nobody has posted that to YouTube? It's worth noting that none of the ads are from the current decade. In an era of increased media fragmentation, becoming remembered must be getting harder. Without further ado, enjoy the nostalgic ride.
2. Apple Macintosh: 1984.
3. Wendy's: Where's the Beef? (1984).
4. Isuzu: Joe "Trust me" Isuzu (1986). (OK, this link is really to his "comeback" ad. Note the framed Adweek cover in the background.)
5. Energizer Bunny (1989).
6. Bartles & Jaymes: Thank You for Your Support (1985).
7. California Raisin Advisory Board: Heard it Through the Grapevine (1986).
8. Budweiser: Croaking Frogs (1995).
9. Bush campaign: Willie Horton (1988).
10. California Milk Processors Board: Got Milk? (1993).
11. Partnership for a Drug-Free America: "This Is Your Brain on Drugs" (1987).
12. Ikea: Gay Men Shopping (1994).
13. McDonald's: Nothing but Net (1993).
14. Pepsi: Michael Jackson on fire (1984).
15. Reagan Campaign: Morning in America (1984).
16. Nike: Bo Knows (1989).
17. Nike: Revolution (1987).
18. Pardon Me, Would You Have Any Grey Poupon? (1984).
19. Federal government: Crash Test Dummies (1985).
20. Playtex: Model (1987).
21. Chevrolet trucks: Like a Rock (1991).
22. New Coke: Max Headroom (1986).
23. Pets.com: Because Pets Can't Drive (1999). Hmmmm ... Never before noticed the resemblance between the sock puppet and Triumph, the Comic Insult Dog.
24. Reebok: Dan & Dave (1992).
25. Taster's Choice soap opera (1991).
Adverganza's Monday morning picks

From Advertising Age:
—File under "We Knew That": Being a
—Well, at least the 'WSJ' sales guys like Rupert Murdoch.
—File under "We Knew That, the Sequel": Rance Crain says
—Wal-Mart lets you rate its products.
—Bob Garfield ponders Dell’s color-coordinated laptops, as did we.
—What David Lubars, Linda Sawyer, Bob Jeffery, George Lois, et. al, thought of “Mad Men.”
—An interview with "Mad Men" creator Matthew Weiner, and why he thinks the agency in the show is most like BBDO.
—Mal McDougall on "Mad Men."
—Noreen O'Leary on the rise of digital agencies.
—Andrew McMains on the rise of strategic consultants.
—Cutwater talks about how it's letting its new Ray-Ban viral get sick mostly on its own.
—Barbara Lippert on Martin's new campaign for ESPN's X Games.
From The New York Times:
Podcasts try to figure out an ad model.
Barbie plugs into a docking station. It's not at all like it sounds.
McCann and MRM get Christopher Guest to direct two Intel music videos. (When I find them online, I'll post them.)
—Dodge is trying to get the above video for the Nitro pulled, because it's never nice to see a dog get struck by lightning.
—European carmakers discover it's good to claim you're green.
From Mediapost:
—Adam Gerber departs Brightcove.