Wednesday, September 12, 2007

WalMart reinvents tag line, not much else

WalMart breaks what is really its first big effort from The Martin Agency today, unveiling its first new tagline in 19 years. Drumroll please—"Save Money. Live Better." OK, so it's not exactly rewriting advertising as we've known it, but what is interesting about the positioning is that it will feature factoids such as, "WalMart saves the average family $2,500 per year" and the B-roll about the campaign, above, also talks about how families are "forced" (by those big, bad other companies) to pay higher prices for gas and energy. Note there's no mention of healthcare there, but focusing on financial statistics seems like a direct counterpoint to WalMart's many critics. As for the spots, there are two currently posted on the new Web site for the campaign, (Click on the Wal-Mart TV link in the bottom right hand corner.)

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