Given that the commercials seem to carry a similar, over-the-top tone, the net effect for those of us who've been able to avoid the pre-game hype is that it's one big blur of (attempts at) over-the-top comedy, which sucks everyone and everything into its vortex. I cringed at Conan O'Brien for Bud Light, and winced at the "I'm good" commercial for Pepsi Max. A former Adweek colleague, who was hosting the party I attended, couldn't believe that Pepsi Max has actually gone and forthrightly declared it is a diet drink for men. Are men going to order that now because Pepsi told them to? The cars.com commerical started off well, but the payoff didn't work at all. It's not that such commercials are supposed to be plausible, exactly, but a guy who performs open heart surgery with a ballpoint pen can't buy a car on his own? C'mon.
It's somewhat amusing to read that the winner of the USA Today Ad Meter (which itself, like individual commercials, has gotten lost in the hype), was a consumer-created ad for Doritos, but don't jump to the conclusion that this means consumers make better ads. It just means that they've gotten really good at copying BBDO.
>>Are men going to order that now because Pepsi told them to?>>
Well that's the whole thing Cathy: just what are most of these advertiser hoping to do?
I already know whether I like Doritos or not. (I don't.) So no matter how funny I thought the spot was, I'm not going to eat them. And if I already thought Doritos were delicious, I'm not going to start eating more of them because they entertained me for a while.
Hulu was the only ad that made sense: introduce a wide audience of TV viewers to a new service that lets them watch TV online. I'm sure it was the first time many of them heard of Hulu and even if they hated Alec Baldwin, they're going to go check it out.
Lest we forget, the fabled "1984" was introducing a new computer to America. That's a big part of why it was so successful.
The best thing about the Doritos spot is that Frito-Lay paid the people who did the spot a decent amount of money.
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