From Advertising Age:
—In shocker of the year, insurers don't want to advertise on Cavemen.
—Advertising types discover Facebook, to increase distribution of the brand called themselves. Here's a video about it, and, while we're at it, did you know I'm on Facebook and want to be friends with all of you?
—Jonah Bloom with yet another suggestion of how Advertising Week could actually prove meaningful.
—Oh, good. Scott Berg of Hewlett-Packard doesn't like mobile advertising.
—Bob Garfield uses Colgate Simply White.
From The New York Times:
—In yet another shocker, NBC Universal discovers buying iVillage wasn't all that smart.
From Adweek (subscription may or may not be required); no print issue this week:
—A close-up look at Naked's plan for full-frontal U.S. expansion.
—Tim Arnold explains why he loves the blues.
—Could it be true? Is Interpublic actually turning around?
From The Wall Street Journal (subscription required, for now):

—How to make video advertising better. Example from pictured at left.
—Victoria's new secret: athletic wear.
From Mediapost:
—Pringles, now available in stick form?
—Does using the eBay ad auction system mean you're putting your cable net up for sale?
From The Delaney Report. Tom's hearing that:
—Visa media might go up for review.
—Sony isn't necessarily happy with its work from BBDO.
—There's some Fisher-Price business on the loose in the wake of the closing of Maiden Lane.
—The honeymoon might be over between Cadillac and Modernista!.
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