Tuesday, November 13, 2007

New structure brings Burnett back 'round again

There's something weirdly back to the future about the restructuring of Leo Burnett under an "open architecture" structure that also encompasses Starcom Mediavest and Digitas with, according to Mediapost, "no default lead." You could ask (OK! I will!), did the whole company get itself over-siloed, and will we see more combines like this going forward? Starcom, of course, started as Burnett's media department. As for Digitas, it's new to the Publicis/Burnett fold, but does anyone remember Giant Step? Back in the 1990s, it was Burnett's digital arm, and one of the most well-regarded in the business; it eventually got merged out of existence. No, I don't think Giant Step, even in its heyday, would ever have held a candle to the pointy-headed data geeks at Digitas, but still, it's odd to contemplate how many big agencies got out of the digital game back in the day, as though the Internet itself had gone away instead of just a whole bunch of get-rich-quick stock options. What goes around comes around, I guess.

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