Wednesday, October 10, 2007

Intel, outside of the (TV) box

We all are accustomed to hearing that clients are shifting money to online, but what separated Stuart Elliott's ad column today in The New York Times from most other things I've read is that it cited actual client budget numbers. The ones that really counted came from Intel, which said it would be spending more than half of its $300 million annual budget online in two years from only 15 percent two years ago. In addition, the company is requiring the companies that participate in its co-op advertising ventures to spend 35 percent of the money that Intel kicks in in online next year. Of lesser import—but still fairly telling, given the product—is that the American Egg Board said it will spend at least $1 million, and maybe $2 million, of its $10 million budget online. Products with Intel Inside may be high consideration products; eggs, decidedly not.

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