Thanks to my former colleagues at AdFreak for at least
finding a picture of New Zealand's Burger King bikini babes, whose ads were considered "soft porn" and
just pulled from the airwaves. I tried mightily last night to find a copy of an actual commercial, but alas ... Tonight, I went to
the Burger King New Zealand site after reading this story about how BK had launched a site
asking for input on its next set of New Zealand commercials, but if it exists, it certainly wasn't located on or near the BK site. I did however, find this picture advertising the New Texas Bacon Double Whopper--complete with what looks to be bikini babes-- which somehow comes closer to passing the "soft porn" test when you see how the burger rocks back and forth when you're on the site. Well, go see it, while you still can.
One of the ads is posted to the BK Girls MySpace page...
Gracias, Tim.
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