Never thought of
Copyranter as being sheepish, until I got an email alert about a comment to
my post covering his untimely departure from
blogdom. All it said was: "I, uh, was premature." Yes, after saying Friday that he would no longer post to
Copyranter, but that he was still interested in getting a paying blog gig,
Animal NewYork took him up on his demand for blogging wages, making this the shortest retirement since Roger Clemens picked his steroid-filled needle back up and decided he'd pitch again. (OK that was an insane analogy since we know that
bloggers don't take steroids, but, hey, whatever.)
Mr. Ranter says he will also post to
Copyranter but won't be as prolific as he used to be, but at least for his first post-coming-out-of-retirement post he gave us
"half naked men with cats." All is right with the world.
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