Teressa Iezzi at Ad Age's
Creativity has a slightly more illuminating take on
Honeyshed, the branded entertainment shopping site that Publicis' Droga5 sorta kinda launched a few weeks ago. Droga's explanation of the rationale behind the site: "Everyone is scrambling to do branded content, but for the most part, there is no real home for it. The strategy has mainly been to create entertaining content and then seed it, put it on YouTube or elsewhere. So content is king, but the king didn't really have throne. Our idea was to have a site where you could be overt about the brand. The site gets at the entertainment value and the sociability of shopping." Still love that bra above made out of boxing gloves, though I don't think it's for sale.
Great, but being "overt about the brand" is not content, it's advertising. So content isn't king in Honeyshed land, advertising is.
For those couple of folks looking for my column in Adweek, it has moved to the Bloggies section of
on the 17th of each month.....
last month's column on
monograms is still there as is the
september entry on katie couric in iraq....
tom messner
the only drawback is the hideous sans-serif reverse type which keeps even me away from it
Honeyshed is a neat idea like Amazon was a neat idea. They each take something that worked offline (in Honeyshed's case it is QVC, in Amazon's it was Barnes & Noble) and bring it online.
More power to them and I hope that Honeyshed works out.
But it's not this super-original game-changing idea anymore than online retailing was a few years ago.
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