From Adweek:

—Mac vs. PC: Go figure. Great creative can actually be effective.
—Why is it so obvious that Quizno's would go to Cliff Freeman? Flying hamsters, here we come.
—The Feed Company's Josh Warner on whether that Ray-Bans guy can really catch sunglasses with his face. And more.
—Steve McClellan on the auctioning of radio, cable ads.
—Barbara Lippert calls the new Cold Stone Creamery spots "a fractured fairly tale for the YouTube crowd."
From Advertising Age:

—Bob Garfield predicts Dove's "Evolution" will win the Grand Prix at Cannes.
—Lenore Skenazy on "Milk Eggs Vodka," a book that's comprised of grocery shopping lists. Freaky.
—Finally, a story which points out that a drop in above-the-line ad spending doesn't mean advertisers have soured on advertising.
—A Q&A with Lee Clow, who, BTW, says that Wieden + Kennedy is his "hero company."
From The New York Times:
—How green is thy magazine? Not green enough, apparently.
—The New Canaan Rams, brought to you by Verizon!
From The Wall Street Journal (subscription required):
—NBC will go back to the future with a live ad for Garmin International on tomorrow night's "Tonight Show."
From Mediapost:
—Yahoo launches omg!, a new gossip site, with The Pepsi-Lipton Tea Partnership as sponsor.
From The Delaney Report:
—This week there are whispers about New York Life, ABA Consulting and an "unidentified video game marketer."
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