1. Diddy goes to the Burger King CEO's house. (This link is to the video on the Ad Age site. Let's give the folks at adage.com some credit for at least allowing visitors to play this first spot.)
2. Verizon commercial for Blackberry, featuring woman in airport hugging the Verizon guy. Or something like that. Couldn't find this one.
3. Martin Scorsese directs and appears in Members Project commercial for American Express.
4. Some commercial for Yoplait Whips. Couldn't find this one.
5. Spot for the Pizza Hut P'Zone. Hey there, better order up some Lipitor after you call for take out.
6. iPhone demo spot featuring a clip from Zoolander.
7. Lowe's commercial for Energy Star appliances. Couldn't find.
8. Commercial for Nintendo's Big Brain Academy: Wii Degree. Couldn't find.
9. Wendy's commercial where people kick trees.
10. Lunesta commercial featuring women who can't sleep. Found one, but don't think it was the right one.
Still I'm five for ten in terms of finding the commercials online. Enjoy the spots, though some are so dull I can't believe they're actually among the most favorite for the month.
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