Monday, November 5, 2007

This just in: Roehm and Wal-Mart stop suing each other

Just found this out at Unfortunately, the story, in its entirety, is subscription-only, though it should be all over the net within the nanosecond.


Alan Wolk said...

C: So is the underlying assumption that they worked out some sort of settlement? Or did she just drop her lawsuit?

Catharine P. Taylor said...

the story says she didn't receive any settlement money. So, gee, do you think all this was worth it?

Anonymous said...

Well, she's now free to accept the job as EVP/CMO at Draft/FCB - it's a perfect cultural fit, she needs the work, and you can bet Howard Draft promised her employment along these lines (at least so her court papers seemed to indicate) prior to the Wal-Mart debacle...AND since he kinda threw her under the bus we can see if he has even a shred of integrity in his corpulent'd be a good PR ploy for him to at least feign that he has some loyalty to someone other than himself...

George Parker said...

She's toxic and toast. Anyone who hires her is crazy... But who knows, there are a ton of stupid people out there. Anyway, she'll spend the rest of her life paying her legal fees.